Can You Post On Instagram Without Anyone Seeing
No, if you have followers on Instagram it’s not possible to post without the post being visible to your followers. There isn’t some feature on Instagram that’ll allow you to block people from seeing certain posts. Everything you post on your Instagram with followers on will be seen eventually by someone. However, there are ways to have things uploaded onto Instagram with no one seeing at all or very few people.
Can You Post on Instagram Without Anyone Seeing on Feed?
It’s not possible to post on Instagram without anyone seeing it on their feed. If you post on Instagram, people who have their feed refreshed as your post is uploaded will see the post. If your account is private, then your followers will be able to see your post for as long as it’s there. If your account is public, then anyone who visits your profile will be able to see the post.
How to Post on Instagram Without Anyone Seeing
You can post on Instagram without notifying your followers by archiving the post as soon as your upload it. If anyone has post notifications on for you, you’ll need to tell them to turn it off as they’ll be notified as soon as you post.
1. Archive The Picture As Soon As You Post It
If you want to post something on Instagram but you want to have it on your profile without anyone seeing it on their feed or having a chance to like it as soon as you uploaded it then you need to archive the post as soon as you upload it. Once you archive the post as soon as you post it, you need to leave it archived for at least 48 hours before you unarchive it again. This will ensure that it isn’t shown on anyone’s feed for them to like it. When you unarchive the post again, it’ll stay on your feed but only people who go on your profile will like or comment on it and it wouldn’t have been shown on anyone’s feed.
2. Tell People To Turn Off Post Notification For You
If anyone has post notifications on for you, you’ll need to tell them to turn it off as they’ll be notified as soon as you post. Someone has to manually turn on their post notifications for you so they need to manually turn it off. If you want to post without anyone being notified, you first need to get everyone who has post notification on for you to turn it off. To do this, simply post on your story saying ‘if you’ve turned on post notifications for me, can you turn it off’. Once they turn it off, they won’t know when you post unless they’re on the app as soon as you upload.
3. Make Sure You’ve Posted Recently
Before you try and post, make sure that you’ve recently posted. When you haven’t posted in a while, Instagram notifies all of your followers that you haven’t posted in a while and this will prompt them to go and check out your new post. So if you don’t want anyone to be notified when you post, make sure that you’ve posted recently unless a lot of people are going to be notified.
4. Upload it On An Account With No Followers
If you want to upload a picture to your account so that no one sees it and your aim is to check how the picture or video will fit into the rest of your feed, you can upload the last few posts you uploaded on an account with no followers, then from there, you can upload the post that you don’t want anyone to see. This will allow you to see what the post will look like within the rest of your posts if you were to upload it on your main Instagram with followers.
5. Post The Picture then Delete It
Another thing you can do if you want to see how a post will fit into the rest of your posts is to delete it. This will allow you to see what it’ll look like on your profile but it means that others won’t have the chance to see it because you’ll delete it so quickly. One thing to know about this is that people can have post notifications on for you so when you do post something, if you don’t delete it quickly enough, they’ll be able to see that you posted the picture then deleted it straight away.
6. Archive It
If you just want to have a picture saved to Instagram but you don’t want anyone to see it and you don’t want to delete it, then you can just archive it. When you archive it, then you’ll be able to go into your archives and see the picture or video there and it’ll stay on Instagram as long as you don’t delete it.
7. Block The Person You Don’t Want to Be Notified
If there are a select few people that you don’t want to see your post, then you can block them. When they’re blocked, there’s no way for them to be notified about your post since your profile doesn’t exist to them. This may not be an option for you since you don’t like blocking people but it’ll stop the people you don’t want to be notified when you post from seeing that you’ve posted. To block someone so they aren’t notified when you post, go to their profile > tap on the three-dotted lines in the upper right corner > select block.
8. Remove Them As A Follower
If there are a select few people that you don’t want to see your post, then you can remove them as a follower. When they’re removed, there’s no way for them to be notified about your post since they don’t follow you anymore. This may not be an option for you since you don’t like removing people but it’ll stop the people you don’t want to be notified when you post from seeing that you’ve posted. To remove someone so they aren’t notified when you post, go to their profile > tap on the three-dotted lines in the upper right corner > select Remove follower.
9. Make Your Instagram Private
If you want to post on Instagram without anyone seeing it, you can make your Instagram account private. Making your account private means that people who don’t follow you won’t be able to see your posts on their feed or even if they search you up. Only your followers will be able to see your posts which is why you should remove people and make your account private if you’re trying to hide your posts from them.
10. Tell People To Mute Your Posts
Anyone who’s on Instagram when you upload will see your posts as soon as you post. For you to stop seeing them, you’ll need to tell people to mute your posts. If you want to post without anyone being notified, you to get as many people as you can to mute your posts. To do this, simply post on your story saying ‘if you follow me, can you mute me’. You can give them the steps which are, go to my profile, tap following, select Mute, toggle for posts. Once they mute you, you’ll be able to post without them seeing.
11. Post When Instagrams Down
If you post when instagram’s down and this down period causes people to not be able to update their feeds and see new posts, you’ll be able to post on Instagram without anyone seeing or anyone being notified. The downside to this is that you can’t time when Instagram will be down, it goes down when it goes down – if you manage to post just before it goes down and people aren’t able to refresh their feeds, you wouldn’t posted and no one will know about it. From here, you can archive or delete the post.
What If People End Up Notified or Seeing Your Post
If people end up seeing your post, it’s no biggie because it’ll be gone in a second. Since you don’t want anyone to see it, you’ll either archive it or delete it as soon as you upload it. However, for the second that it’s uploaded, it might slip through to people’s feeds and they’ll end up seeing your post. Even when you delete or archive it, their feed has to be refreshed for it to disappear. Once they see it, you’ll know they have because they’ll probably like it. If it’s a video, you can check how many views it got before it was deleted. They can take screenshots if they manage to see it so it’s something you should be wary of.